The Water Collaborative of Greater New Orleans is a regional nonprofit that seeks to build a diverse network for all impacted by flood risk by focusing on equitable practices to sustainably live and thrive with water. They envision an inclusive network of communities working to ensure our world is climate resilient, with New Orleans as a leader in rights-based water management. The Water Collaborative focuses its programming on water justice (affordability, quality, and water as a public good) and green infrastructure. They seek to create socially, economically, and physically liberated communities through educational programs, policy advocacy, and equitable workforce development. By addressing climate trauma, increasing opportunities for community self-determination, and collaboratively working with different sectors, they strive to create sustainably thriving communities in the Gulf South. We support The Water Collaborative, in partnership with the City of New Orleans, Office of Resilience and Sustainability, and ISeeChange, to develop a new engagement framework that will build community-driven planning and designs for future and current infrastructure projects.